Update on the CBD legislation in force in France

Science has not yet explored all the virtues of CBD, or cannabidiol, this molecule produced naturally by cannabis flowers and marketed under certain conditions in France. Here is an update on what you need to know about it, from the legal framework to the benefits it receives.
First of all, be careful not to confuse CBD and THC! If the first (also called cannabidiol) is one of the active substances in vegetable cannabis, otherwise called hemp, it has no psychoactive effects on those who consume it … Unlike the second, THC. Better known by its learned name of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, its active substance indeed acts on the brain by modifying perceptions and reactions.
Legal marketing in France
Cannabidiol is becoming increasingly popular with a population that appreciates this new mode of consumption, with a large number of CBD products now being offered in France.
The reason is in particular the recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union which underlined the merits of the marketing of the molecule, which cannot be considered as a narcotic and which has “no effect, psychotropic or harmful to human health ”.
In France, products containing CBD can therefore be marketed and used, but under certain conditions … They must first of all come from varieties of cannabis plants with a very low THC content (less than 0.2%) and included on a restrictive list established by the health authorities, THC no longer appearing in the finished product.
In addition, the cannabidiols extracted must come from very specific parts of the plant, namely the seeds and fibers.
What are the benefits of CBD?
Without their psychotropic effects, cannabidiols would have positive effects on health. In 1988, American researchers at the University of Saint-Louis (Missouri) proved that certain molecules can act on a pre-existing structural and functional system in the body of mammals.
Other, more recent studies attribute to CBD anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-metastatic, antiemetic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic properties. Specifically, CBD is recognized for its relaxing effects, with many users reporting reduced anxiety and stress as well as better sleep after consuming it.
In France, the French company High Society, a hemp supplier, pays particular attention to the quality of its products, which do not contain any THC at all, in accordance with the regulations, and are derived from plants grown in Swiss farms. Clean products and marketed according to uses in multiple forms: flowers, resins, extractions, oils, e-liquids (for electronic cigarettes), infusions, and even food and cosmetic supplements.
Towards increased CBD production in France?
In the future, the use of hemp-based products should become more democratic and this promising market will develop. France has indeed announced that it is preparing a decree authorizing the cultivation of cannabis flowers in 2021.
An announcement that encouraged several players from the agricultural sector and industry to come together around ISC-Europe (Higher Institute of Cannabis) to launch Cap Chanvre: a structure which aims to facilitate the establishment of the cultivation of hemp in France.
If France has half of European hemp areas, it remains less advanced than its neighbors in terms of CBD production, especially for therapeutic use.